Children in Need
It was another busy week at Down High as we raised money for our annual Children in Need appeal! It is always a highlight of the school calendar, but this year was extra special as the BBC and Pudsey himself came to visit school and helped encourage everyone to get involved! To mark the event pupils made bunting, created Pudsey teddy masks, decorated Pudsey shortbread, planned and organised a treasure hunt around school and of course everyone had the opportunity to wear their pyjamas or swap an item of their uniform for something yellow or spotty. A special thank you also goes to our Year 8 classes as they had fun taking part in a sponsored singalong. It was a great atmosphere, and we are thrilled that we managed to raise £4068. Thank you to everyone that gave so generously.
If you would like to watch the BBC coverage of Pudsey's visit then click the link below - 11.52.