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News Archive

2016/2017 School Year

13th Dec 2016
Every fortnight, a group of Year 8 pupils, all French enthusiasts,  joins Miss...
2nd Dec 2016
On Tuesday 29 November, four Year 9 pupils took part in the Kids' Lit Quiz held...
2nd Dec 2016
Christmas has arrived in the Home Economics Department with the start of their annual...
24th Oct 2016
Please find the Winter Exam timetable for Years 8-14 in the Curriculum Menu...
14th Oct 2016
To mark European Language Day, over 200 of our students took part in a Memrise competition....
7th Oct 2016
Down High School's AQE Familiarisation Morning will be held on Saturday 22 October...
5th Oct 2016
A number of students performed choral and instrumental pieces at a service of dedication...
4th Oct 2016
Congratulations to Claytan Milligan (Deputy Head Boy), who has been selected to...
3rd Oct 2016
A visiting team from George Sporting Academy in South Africa, which is run by a...
16th Sep 2016
In equestrian sport, to compete at the Horse of the Year Show in Birmingham’s...