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News Archive

2018/2019 School Year

25th Oct 2018
Our pupils are having a great time in northern France during the Great War battlefields...
25th Oct 2018
Click on the link to find out about this exciting opportunity.
23rd Oct 2018
Technology Department staff, Mr Mark Patton and Mrs Emma McMillen, presented a cheque...
18th Oct 2018
Year 13 Health and Social Care pupils recently spent time in Downpatrick Nursery...
18th Oct 2018
Catherine and Maria McStay and Robin Mitchell were at the launch of the DVD 'Children...
16th Oct 2018
Please bring your AQE card and the coloured card sent to you by the school. The...
8th Oct 2018
Check out the outstanding work of our GCSE and A-Level students in the following...
3rd Oct 2018
A number of our Year 13/14 members of the School Council attended the World...
28th Sep 2018
Down High pupils Harry and Alice Cross recently enjoyed a chance to train at the...
28th Sep 2018
Adam Fermor (Yr 14) has been ranked 12th in Ireland and as 1st Youth (Under 20s)...